Determining the Price Per Kilo for Cast Aluminium

Cast aluminum is a popular material that is used in a wide range of industries. It is known for its lightweight and high strength-to-weight ratio, making it an ideal choice for applications that require both durability and mobility compared to other metals.

Current Price Per Kilo for Cast Aluminium

Cast aluminum costs between $1 and $1.10 per pound. Like any other material, cast aluminum can range its current prices per kilo for several reasons.

A more affordable choice is to use scrap aluminum. However, scrap aluminum prices vary from the source. A metal from irony aluminum (just steel edges) starts at $1.40. Other sources of scrap aluminum metals may come from engine blocks, car batteries, and aluminum cans.

For large quantities, a scrap metal pick may be requested from a scrapper or recycling plant. Other metals, such as red brass, copper from copper wire, and stainless steel, are also available in these facilities.

Factors That Affect Cast Aluminum Prices

Scrap Metal Prices

Scrap metal prices and the price of cast aluminum are often interconnected, and changes in the scrap metals can directly impact the latter.

The cost of inputs like metal, electricity, and labor all affect how much a kilogram of cast aluminum will set you back. Cast aluminum prices are susceptible to fluctuations in the price of scrap metal.

Purity of The Material

The percentage of other elements in the metal determines the purity of aluminum. Pure aluminum is 99.99% aluminum, with trace amounts of other elements. Iron, silicon, copper, magnesium, and zinc are the widely used alloying elements for aluminum. These impurities can affect the properties of aluminum, such as its strength, hardness, and ductility.

High-purity aluminum is more expensive, requiring more energy and resources to remove impurities from the metal. However, high-purity aluminum has better properties than lower-purity aluminum, making it more valuable.

Global Market Demand

The global demand for cast aluminum is a crucial determinant of its price as it affects the market dynamics.

The main driver of global market demand for cast aluminum is the economic growth of countries worldwide. The construction industry, in particular, is a significant consumer of cast aluminum. It is in high demand because it is used in constructing bridges, buildings, and other structures.

The automotive industry is another major consumer of cast aluminum, as it is used to produce engine blocks, wheels, and other components. Consumer preferences, fuel economy regulations, and technological advancements in automotive design influence the need for cast aluminum in the automotive industry.

Cost of Labor and Production

Skilled labor is required to operate the equipment and perform the casting process. Some areas have high costs for skilled labor. It can also increase the cost of production and, in turn, cast aluminum prices. Labor laws, wage rates, and the availability of skilled workers influence the cost of labor.

Another significant factor that affects the price of cast aluminum per kg is the costs associated with production. The production process requires specialized equipment, such as furnaces and casting machines, which can be expensive to purchase and maintain.

Raw materials, such as aluminum ingots, also impact the cost of production. Other variables can also affect production costs, such as the price of energy, transportation, and taxes.

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